OmniPrep™ Genomic DNA Isolation (106 Citations) provides an interactive version of this protocol where you can discover and share optimizations with the research community.
The OmniPrep™ kit isolates high quality genomic DNA from many different species and tissue types including animal, plant, bacteria, yeast, fungi, whole blood, and cells in culture. DNA can be isolated from samples high in polysaccharides or other contaminants that are difficult to remove from the DNA preparations.
The kit uses a rapid precipitation technique that uses unique precipitation reagents to isolate genomic DNA free from proteins and RNA. Pure genomic DNA is isolated in 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the tissue sample type used. The resulting genomic DNA is visualized on an agarose gel as a large single band, demonstrating the high quality and minimal shearing of the technique.
The OmniPrep™ protocol contains individual protocols for the each different sample type and instructions on how to adapt for large sample volumes.
OmniPrep™ isolates genomic DNA from a wide range of tissues and samples, including Yeast, Fungi, Nucleated blood cells from bird, fish & frog, Plant tissues (fresh or frozen, rich in polysaccharides), Mammalian tissues (fresh or frozen), Ethanol or formalin fixed tissues, Mouse tail, Blood, >Gram negative bacteria, Blood stained & bodily fluid stained material, Paraffin embedded tissues, Cultured cells, Soil and Gram positive bacteria.
- High Yield, ~100kb genomic DNA
- A260/A280 between 1.8 & 2.0
- Adaptable for variety of samples: plant, bacteria, fungi, mammalian tissues, cells & blood
- Simple two tube method; 20-40 minutes
- No toxic chemicals; no phenol; no hazardous waste
- Suitable for ~150 preparations, depending on sample
- Extraction of pure genomic DNA from cells & tissues, plant, fungi, bacteria, whole blood & other samples
- Extraction of high quality, 100kb genomic DNA
Protocol | |
786-136 | ![]() |
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786-136 |
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Molecular Biology Handbook | A guide to our products for DNA and RNA. |
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