GET™ Total RNA (2 Citations)

The GET™ Total RNA kit is optimized to obtain highly pure total RNA from contaminating DNA, proteins, and nucleases.
GET™ Total RNA kit is based on our Genomic Efficient Technology (GET) for purification of RNA from various samples such as blood, animal tissue, plant tissue and yeast.
GET™ is based on a highly efficient Genomic lysis buffer that liberates nucleic acid from cellular protein complexes, making nucleic acids free and available for purification in pure form. Free nucleic acids are immobilized, in the presence of high concentration of chaotropic agents, on silica solid phase membrane. Following the capture of nucleic acid template on the silica membrane, a series of washing steps removes interfering impurities. In the final step, pure nucleic acid is eluted in concentrated form with GET Elution Buffer.
- Flexible:The kit contains high efficient lysis buffer which is suitable for wide range of samples enabling purification of total RNA from various samples.
- Efficient Technology: Optimized Slica spin column design with optimized buffers for high yield and purity.
- High quality:The eluted RNA is of high purity and is suitable for various downstream application processes such as Northern/slot/dot blots, reverse transcription or RNase protective assays.
- Provided with DNAses for optional removal of genomic DNA.
- User friendly: Less than an hour hands on time for DNA purification
- Purify total RNA from wide range of samples including mammalian cells, tissue, plant tissue, blood and serum
- The purified RNA is suitable for various downstream application processes such as Northern/slot/dot blots, reverse transcription, RT-PCR , RT-qPCR or RNase protective assays.