Protein Cleavage Reagents

There are many methods used to identify the interaction sites between two or more proteins or protein subunits.
Proteolytic Mapping
A common method used is the use of proteolytic enzymes that cleave at specific protein regions. Proteolytic mapping has several advantages, including the fact that reactions can be performed in-vitro under physiological conditions and only require a small amount of native protein.
Several proteases that are highly purified and chemically modified to prevent auotlysis are offered. The proteases offered are Glutamic-C, Lysine-C, Arginine-C, Chymotrypsin and Trypsin.
A common method used is the use of proteolytic enzymes that cleave at specific protein regions. Proteolytic mapping has several advantages, including the fact that reactions can be performed in-vitro under physiological conditions and only require a small amount of native protein.
Several proteases that are highly purified and chemically modified to prevent auotlysis are offered. The proteases offered are Glutamic-C, Lysine-C, Arginine-C, Chymotrypsin and Trypsin.
Chemical Mapping
In some cases, chemical reagents are used that cleave proteins at known sites.
In some cases, chemical reagents are used that cleave proteins at known sites.
SG-Arginine-C™ endopeptidase (Clostripain, from C. histolyticum) specifically hydrolyzes the carboxy peptide bond of Arginine. SG-Arginine-C™ has been modified chemically by a propriety process to render the enzyme resistant to autolysis and stabilize enzymatic activity. In addit..
SG-Chymotrypsin™ is a serine endopeptidase, which predominantly cleaves peptide bonds on the carboxy side of tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. In addition, chymotrypsin has a low catalytic activity against the carboxy side of leucine, methionine, alanine, aspartic and glutamic acids. It ..
SG-Glutamic-C™ is a serine endopeptidase, from S. aureus V8, that is highly specific for the cleavage of peptide bonds at the carboxy side of either aspartic or glutamic acid, depending on the buffer used. In Tris-HCl buffer, in particular in the absence of phosphate ions, the enzyme is specif..
SG-Lysine-C™ endopeptidase, from Lysobacter enzymogenes, is a serine protease highly specific in cleaving peptide bonds at the carboxy side of lysine. Highly purified preparations of SG-Lysine-C™ are chemically modified making the enzyme resistant to autolysis and stabilizing its enzymat..
A Chemically Modified, TPCK treated, Affinity Purified Trypsin. G-Biosciences' Mass Spectrometry Grade Trypsin is chemically methylated to yield an enzymatically active protein with maximum trypsin specificity and extreme resistance to autolysis. In addition, the modified trypsin is TPCK tr..
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