Gomori Trichrome Stain
Gomori Trichrome Stain is a histological stain used on muscle tissue and can be used to test for certain forms of mitochondrial myopathy. Gomori Trichrome Stain will stain muscle fibers and cytoplasm in red, nuclei in black and collagen containing connective tissues in blue. Weigert’s Hematoxylin is included to improve staining balance.
Uses and sample preparation:
Slides should be deparaffinized through xylene or substitute and descending grades of alcohol to distilled water prior to staining. Designed for research use only, it is not approved for human or animal use, or clinical diagnosis.
- Hematoxylin Weigerts Reagent A
- Hematoxylin Weigerts Reagent B
- Bouin Fixative
- Glacial Acetic Acid 0,5%
- Gomori Trichrome stain
Short Procedure
- Deparaffinize sample and hydrate with distilled water
- Add Bouin fixative at 60ºC and let stand for 60 minutes
- Allow the solution to cool. Wash with tap water for 10 minutes
- Mix Hematoxylin Reagent A and B and add to sample for 10 minutes
- Wash in running tap water for 10 minutes
- Add Gomori Trichrome stain for 20 minutes Solution can be reused if filtered.
- Add 0.5% Glacial acetic acid for 2 minutes
- Dehydrate with graded ethanol, clear and coverslip
Stain characteristics:
Nuclei can be visualized as black, muscle fiber and cytoplasm in red and collagen containing connective tissue in blue.