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Download the Molecular Biology Handbook for Complete Product Listing

A comprehensive selection of reagents and kits for the purification, manipulation and analysis of DNA and RNA for molecular biology and cell biology studies.

Our genomic DNA purification kits purify high quality genomic DNA from a wide variety of sources and for a wide array of applications. OmniPrep™ genomic DNA kits are for ultra pure genomic DNA that is suitable for all downstream applications and are fully scalable. GET™ genomic DNA isolation kits are for the rapid isolation of DNA templates from small samples. It is based on genomic efficient technology that use solid phase for extraction, both spin columns and magnetic beads, XIT™ kits require no chloroform or phenol extraction and produce protein free, high quality DNA. OmniTemplate™ is designed for the rapid generation of PCR ready genomic templates. MegaLong™ genomic DNA extraction kits allow for DNA extraction from a variety of samples, including animal tissues, cultured cells, whole blood, bacteria and yeast or fungi.

A selection of products for plasmid DNA isolation, transformation and high throughput screening of plasmids can be found. Products include our unique and easy-to-use Plasmid Screening Toothpick™ and ToothPick™-PCR, which rapidly screens colonies for plasmid DNA, HP-Ampicillin™, which eliminates the problems of satellite or background colony formation and chemicals including Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG).

For transfection reagents, a series of four options are offered based on our G-FECT™ Transfection Reagent for every day transfections. The modified versions are designed for increased transfection efficiency and low cell toxicity.

For PCR (polymerase chain reaction), high quality and affordable reagents are offered, including Taq and Pfu Polymerases and dNTPs (Deoxynucleotides), indvidually or premixed.

For RT-qPCR (Reverse Transcriptase quantative Polymerase Chain Reaction), a wide selection of enzymes and kits are available.

For RNA research, products for the isolation of RNA, including Arrest™ Extraction Buffer, GET™ Total RNA, GET™ Total RNA-Mag and TriXtract™​, for the isolation of high quality RNA. Products for the detection and decontamination of RNase are available, including RNaseOUT™ that kills RNase on contact. 

For the detection of nucleic acids, agarose gel electrophoresis buffers and chemicals and DNA ladders are available and a proprietary nucleic acid assay that doesn’t require a spectrophotometer.

Numerous yeast research tools and accessories are also available to aid researchers in a wide variety of applications using yeast. A full range of molecular biology grade accessories, reagents and buffers for cell biology research are also available.

Arrest™ Extraction Buffer is an optimized combination of various chaotropic agents and RNase inhibitors, which inhibits RNase in 5-10 seconds. Arrest™ Extraction Buffer may be used in conjunction with any RNA extraction method, including extractions based on phenol, chloroform and other ..
For Cleaner Backgrounds   A high performance hybridization buffer system providing researchers with unprecedented simplicity, reliability, accuracy, and cost saving for hybridization. EKONO™ hybridization buffer is suitable for all types of probes.   Protocol involves incubation ..
The EZ Yeast™ Plasmid Prep kit is designed for the rapid isolation of 2μ plasmids from yeast patches or yeast grown in small liquid cultures. The kit is adapted from the alkaline lysis of E. coli, by providing modified alkaline lysis buffers and our LongLife™ Zymolyase®, a highly ..
Fast Yeast Transformation™ kit is a rapid single step yeast transformation kit that takes less than 10 minutes to prepare competent yeast cells. The competent yeast cells can be used immediately or frozen for later use. This method is suitable for both circular and linear plasmid transformatio..
FASTSilver™ is one of the most rapid and sensitive methods for detecting proteins and nucleic acids fractionated by PAGE. Staining is 100 times more sensitive than Coomassie Blue protein staining and 10 times more sensitive than ethidium bromide for DNA and RNA. FASTsilver™ is a nanogra..
Electroelution of nucleic acids and proteins has many advantages as it avoids centrifugation, vortexing, heating, precipitation and allows minimal manipulation of samples. Electroelution normally involves dialysis tubing, which results in extreme dilution of precious samples. G-Capsule™ is a s..
Spray and Wipe; Specifically Formulated For Electrophoresis Gel Plates   Clean your electrophoresis plates with GELPLATE-clean™ and prevent poor electrophoretic band migration, band distortions, and poor image development. Simply spray and wipe clean your electrophoresis plates with GEL..
A Mini Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis System   A simple and economical device for a variety of agarose electrophoresis applications. Supplied with agarose gel casting tray, horizontal tank, and optional mini power supply unit (Complete-Electrophore™).   The ultimate in simplicity..
Genomic Tube-O-DIALYZER™ rapidly dialyzes >100kb genomic DNA samples to remove small DNA, salts, RNA and other contaminants with minimal hands-on manipulation.   Based on our patented Tube-O-DIALYZER™, the genomic Tube-O-DIALYZER™ has a dialysis membrane secured in the ca..
This kit is based on our GET™ Spin Columns, spin columns with a high binding affinity for DNA.      GET™ AGAROSE DNA method involves release of nucleic acid fragments from gel pieces followed by capture of nucleic acids on the GET™ Spin Columns, washing, ..
GET™ CLEAN DNA kit uses our high binding affinity GET™ Spin Columns to remove salts, enzymes, unincorporated nucleotides, radiolabels, and primer-dimers from any DNA preparation of 100bp to >20kb. GET™ Spin Columns has an enhanced binding affinity for DNA, thus elimina..
GET™ Plasmid DNA 96-Well kit is designed for the high throughput preparation of plasmid DNA from 96 x 1-5ml E. coli cultures. The kit utilizes a 96 well format enhanced DNA binding plate to produce high yields of plasmid. This quick and easy protocol eliminates toxic phenol/chloroform ext..
Showing 1 to 12 of 88 (8 Pages)