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Genomic DNA Purification

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A selection of genomic DNA isolation kits are offered that purify high quality genomic DNA  from a wide variety of sources and for a wide array of applications.
OmniPrep™ genomic DNA kits are for ultra pure genomic DNA that is suitable for all downstream applications. Theses kits are fully scalable for large genomic DNA isolations. The in-depth procedure and high quality reagents ensure ultra pure DNA. Available as a single versatile kit for multiple sample types or specific kits for extraction of DNA from blood, gram positive bacteria, mouse tail, plant, soil, mammalian tissue, yeast or fungi.
XIT™ genomic DNA kits produce protein free, high quality DNA and use protein digestion with proteinase K followed by precipitation of genomic DNA.  No chloroform or phenol extraction required. A selection of XIT™ Genomic DNA Extraction kits are available for the isolation of DNA from specific samples including; Buccal cellscultured cellsFFPE tissuesGram negative bacteriaGram positive bacteriamouse tailplant tissuemammalian tissuewhole blood, mitochondria and yeast.
GET™ genomic DNA kits are solid phase based rapid isolation of genomic DNA template from small samples from diverse sample source, uses both spin column format and magnatic beads. The GET™ DNA Template kit is for extraction from blood, cells, fungal, yeast, bacteria, and animal tissues and there is also kit for genomic DNA template isolation from plant tissues.
OmniTemplate™ genomic DNA kit is specifically designed for the rapid isolation of a DNA template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis from mammalian tissue samples, blood and cell cultures. This single tube method produces a high concentration, ready-to-use supply of DNA template for microanalysis, genotyping and a multitude of other applications.
MegaLong™ isolates high molecular weight genomic DNA from a variety of samples, including animal tissues, cultured cells, whole blood, bacterial and yeast. MegaLong™ uses Genomic Tube-O-DIALYZER™, a unique, patented micro dialysis device with a 0.45μm membrane that minimizes sample manipulation, one of the main reasons for DNA breakage. provides an interactive version of this protocol where you can discover and share optimizations with the research community.    The majority of genomic DNA extraction methods involve numerous physical manipulations, including mixing, pipetting, shaking, binding to resin, elu..
$0.00 provides an interactive version of this protocol where you can discover and share optimizations with the research community.    A selection of genomic isolation kits are offered that purify high quality genomic DNA  from a wide variety of sources and for ..
$0.00 provides an interactive version of this protocol where you can discover and share optimizations with the research community.    A selection of genomic isolation kits are offered that purify high quality genomic DNA  from a wide variety of sources and for ..
$0.00 provides an interactive version of this protocol where you can discover and share optimizations with the research community.    A selection of genomic isolation kits are offered that purify high quality genomic DNA  from a wide variety of sources and for ..
A selection of genomic isolation kits are offered that purify high quality genomic DNA  from a wide variety of sources and for a wide array of applications. Our OmniPrep™ genomic DNA kits are for ultra pure genomic DNA that is suitable for all downstream applications. Theses kits are ful..
$0.00 provides an interactive version of this protocol where you can discover and share optimizations with the research community.    A selection of genomic purification kits are offered that purify high quality genomic DNA  from a wide variety of sources ..
$0.00 provides an interactive version of this protocol where you can discover and share optimizations with the research community.  A selection of genomic isolation kits are offered that purify high quality genomic DNA  from a wide variety of sources and for a wide a..
OmniTemplate™ is specifically designed for the rapid preparation of a DNA template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis from mammalian tissue samples, blood and cell cultures. This single tube method produces a high concentration, ready-to-use supply of DNA template for microanalysis, ..
This product is being discontinued. An improved version of this product is now available. Click here for more details The Rapid DNA Template Prep™ kit is suitable for the preparation of DNA templates from blood, cells, animal tissues and plant samples. The method involves solubilization of ..
G-Biosciences Silica Magnetic Beads are Fe3O4 magnetic beads coated with a silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer. Since silica is able to bind to the nucleic acids, G-Biosciences Magnetic Silica Beads for DNA isolation serve as a simple and efficient tool for plasmid DNA purification for transfection or sequ..
The XIT™ Genomic DNA from Buccal Cells kit is designed for the isolation of genomic DNA from Buccal cells (cheek cells).   The kit uses three main steps (see figure) that are rapid & efficient cell lysis, enzymatic protein digestion and complete protein precipitation,..
The XIT™ Genomic DNA from Cells kit is designed for the isolation of genomic DNA from cultured cells.   The kit uses rapid & efficient nuclear  lysis and complete protein precipitation, followed by DNA precipitation.  This yields high quality genomic DNA.   Two..
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