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Lysates & Premade Blots

G-Biosciences provide a wide variety of pre-made Western blots and protein lysates.


Pre-made blots and lysates are custom manufactured products generated for each individual order.


Download the Protein Discovery Handbook for full list of lysates & blots

The blot is prepared using total protein extracted from a variety of 5-10 day old, whole plant tissues.    The premade blots are prepared with the appropriate GenLysate and 50μg protein is loaded onto a 4-20% denaturing polyacrylamide gel, along with a prestained molecular weight mark..
We offer a custom blot service.  Simply select the lysates of interest from our extensive range of GenLysate™ and contact our customer support for ordering and pricing information...
The premade blots are prepared with the appropriate GenLysate and 50μg protein is loaded onto a 4-20% denaturing polyacrylamide gel, along with a prestained molecular weight marker. After the proteins are resolved they are transferred to a PVDF membrane, using Efficient Western Transfer Buff..
The blot is prepared using total protein extracted from a variety of species, where whole species is not available the whole liver lysate is used.  These blots can be used to identify similar proteins in other species, including human, chicken, frog, worm, drosophila, yeast, aspergillus, E. col..
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