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DNA Ladders

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DNAmark™ 100bp Ladder consists of 11 fragments ranging from 100-1500 base pairs (bp). The 500bp fragment is present at increased intensity to allow easy identification. All fragments are precisely quantified and mixed during the production. For 5µl loading, all fragments except 500bp are..
DNAmark™ 100bp Plus Ladder consists of 14 DNA fragments ranging in size from 100-3000 base pairs (bp). The 500bp and 1200bp fragment are present at increased intensity to allow easy identification. All fragments are precisely quantified and mixed during the production. For 5 µl loading, ..
DNAmark™ 20bp Ladder consists of 13 fragments ranging from 60-300 base pairs (bp). This molecular weight marker is specially designed for identifying small DNA fragments and allowing for quantitative estimation of the DNA fragments in the gel at the same time.  The 100bp and 200bp fragmen..
The DNAmark™ 500bp ladder is a ready-to-use preparation that consists of 10 DNA fragments ranging from 500bp to 5.0kb.  The 2,000bp fragment is present at increased intensity to allow easy identification. All fragments of this 500bp ladder are precisely quantified and mixed during the pro..
DNAmark™ 50bp Plus Ladder consists of 13 fragments ranging from 50-1000 base pairs (bp). This molecular weight marker is specially designed for identifying small DNA fragments and allowing for quantitative estimation of the DNA fragments in the gel at the same time. The 250bp and 500bp fragmen..
DNAmark™ 1kb Plus contains 15 DNA bands ranging from 100bp to 10Kb. The 500bp and 3,000bp fragment are present at increased intensity to allow easy identification. All fragments are precisely quantified and mixed during the production. For 5µl loading, all fragments except 500bp and 3,00..
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