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G-Biosciences is committed to the effort to detect and characterize the novel SARS-CoV2.  For ease and convenience we have consolidated many our COVID-19 related reagents into one page.  Additional custom services are also available including custom buffer formulations, antibody conjugation, viral transport kits, multicomponenet assay kits and many others.

RNA-Conserve™ is optimized specifically for maintaining the integrity of RNA in biological samples for downstream applications.  This product is available in several convenient configurations including a 1.5mL volume designed for use with viral transport kits.

GET™ Viral Nucleic Acid GET™ Viral RNA, GET™ Viral RNA-Mag  and GET™ Viral Nucleic Acid-Mag purifies viral nucleic acid from various cell free biological samples such as serum, plasma and nasal swabsGET™ is based on a highly efficient Genomic lysis buffer that liberates nucleic acid from cellular protein complexes, making nucleic acids free and available for purification in pure form. Free nucleic acids are immobilized, in the presence of high concentration of chaotropic agents, on silica surface (silica spin columns or silica magnetic beads). Following the capture of nucleic acid on the silica membrane or beads, a series of washing steps removes interfering impurities. In the final step, pure nucleic acid is eluted in concentrated form with GET Elution Buffer.

Reducing degradation during analysis is a cornerstone of RNA assay methodology.  RNaseOUT™ is uniquely formulated to destroy and remove RNases on contact.  Simply spray and rinse.  RNaseOUT™ is non-toxic and residue free and allows common equipment to be safely and confidently used for all RNA work.

G-Biosciences’ Silica Magnetic Beads are silica coated Fe3O4 beads that are optimized for efficient purification of plasmid DNA, gDNA, tRNA, viral DNA, and viral RNA for downstream analysis.

Tri-Xtract™ is a convenient, ready to use reagent designed for the isolation of total RNA, free from protein and DNA contamination.  The isolated RNA is suitable for all RNA downstream analysis including qRT-PCR, microarray, and RNA-seq.

An array of grades of water are available including Molecular Grade Water, Distilled Water, DEPC-Treated Water, Endotoxin Free Water, and Proteomic Grade Water are all available in several convenient volumes.

In an effort to reduce the spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus, G-Biosciences developed a novel non-alcohol based hand sanitizer called ZapCOVID™.  This technology is based on frequently published data that show the efficacy of surfactants in the inactivation of enveloped and non-enveloped viruses.

Also available are a antibodies and recombinant proteins related to the COVID-19 pandemic:

ACE2 is a receptor identified as the SARS CoV-2 virus spike protein binding component necessary for membrane fusion between host and virus.  G-Biosciences offer validated antibodies which target this receptor.  IT0077 Immunotag™ ACE2 Polyclonal Antibody and ITA1338 Immunotag™ ACE2 Antibody are sufficient for detecting endogenous levels of human ACE2.

The QUANT™ One-Step Probe RT-qPCR Kit is designed for quantitative PCR detection using RNA as a template, such as RNA viruses.  Using gene-specific primers, reverse transcription and qPCR reactions are performed in a single tube.

ELISA kits including Human Anti-2019 nCoV (N) IgG and Human Anti-2019 nCoV (N) IgM are available for the qualitative determine of anti-COVID-19 immunoglobulin.

Please find the G-Biosciences response to the COVID-19 pandemic here:




Ultra pure DEPC-Treated water is suitable for use with sensitive RNA research. DEPC H20 is prepared by incubating with 0.1% DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate), an RNase inhibitor, and then autoclaved to remove the DEPC, to prevent downstream interference, and sterilized.  DEPC-Treated water is certif..
Kills RNase on Contact   RNaseOUT™ is uniquely formulated to destroy and remove RNases on contact. Simply spray and rinse. RNaseOUT™ is non-toxic and residue free. RNaseOUT™ allows common equipment to be safely and confidently used for all RNA work.   RNaseOUT™ ..
G-Biosciences Silica Magnetic Beads are Fe3O4 magnetic beads coated with a silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer. Since silica is able to bind to the nucleic acids, G-Biosciences Magnetic Silica Beads for DNA isolation serve as a simple and efficient tool for plasmid DNA purification for transfection or sequ..
Tri-Xtract™ is a convenient, ready-to-use reagent designed for the isolation of total RNA that is free from protein and DNA contamination. The isolated RNA is suitable for Northern blots, dot blot hybridization, in-vitro translation, RNase protection assays and poly (A+) selection.   &nb..
Gene/Protein: ZapCOVID™ 10oz
GET™ Viral Nucleic Acid belongs to our series of kits based on Genomic Efficient Technology (GET) for purification of nucleic acids from diverse sample. GET™ is based on a highly efficient Genomic lysis buffer that liberates nucleic acid from cellular protein complexes, making nucleic ..
Get™ Viral Nucleic Acid-Mag Kit belongs to our series of kits based on Genomic Efficient Technology (GET) for purification of nucleic acids from diverse sample. GET™ is based on a highly efficient Genomic lysis buffer that liberates nucleic acid from cellular protein complexes, making nu..
GET™ Viral RNA Kit belongs to our series of kits based on Genomic Efficient Technology (GET) for purification of nucleic acids from diverse sample. GET™ is based on a highly efficient Genomic lysis buffer that liberates nucleic acid from cellular protein complexes, making nucleic acids ..
Get™ Viral RNA-Mag Kit belongs to our series of kits based on Genomic Efficient Technology (GET) for purification of nucleic acids from diverse sample. GET™ is based on a highly efficient Genomic lysis buffer that liberates nucleic acid from cellular protein complexes, making nucleic ac..
Poly(A) is used as a carrier for quantitative precipitation of DNA and RNA . It is particularly useful in purification of DNA and RNA from samples that has low concentration of nucleic acid such as serum, plasma and nasal swabs. Features: Form: Lyophilized Molecular Weight: 100-500kDa Chain le..
Proteinase K Assay [Colorimetric] is designed for rapid and reproducible quantification of Proteinase K activity. Proteinase K Assay [Colorimetric] is based on hydrolysis of denatured hemoglobin by proteinase K which releases Folin positive amino acids and peptides. The amino acids and peptide react..
RNA-Conserve™ is designed for the preservation of RNA in biological samples, including but not limited to; cells, mammalian tissues, bacteria, RNA-virus, yeast, plant tissues, biological fluids, field and test site collected specimens, swab kits, and so forth.  Purified RNA when stor..
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